Who exactly needs to wear tall ties?
The general rule is that men 6'2" and taller should wear extra long ties. Less traditional uses for long ties include short clowns and folks who want to tie them end to end to create a 100% silk fire escape rope (disclaimer - we do not recommend this). How long are extra long ties? Most extra long ties are between 62 and 64 inches long. Civilian ties tend to be around 58 inches. And for the ultra tall men of the world, extra extra long ties are 70 inches long.
How do I approach a friend who struggles with this issue?
The best way is a direct intervention. Just tell him that he is not 5'8" anymore and it's time to start dressing like a tall man. Emailing him images of ties from longtiestore.com is also particularly efficacious in the treatment of LTDD. Which other disorders frequently accompany Long Tie Denial Disorder (LTDD)? In our clinical trials we have seen a preponderance of SSD (Short Sock Disease), MFLSSS (Mid-Forearm Long Sleeve Shortage Syndrome), and FLPTLLCC (Full-Length Pants That Look Like Capris Condition). All of these are very serious. We at longtiestore.com are currently only licensed to treat disorders of the lower tie region, but we work alongside other trained professionals to coordinate the effective treatment of all height-related fashion deficiencies.